

+44 cheats for game version: Steam/Microsoft Store/Epic WORLDSLAYER Last Updated: 05.07.2022



  • Activate Trainer
  • No Damage to Player
  • Unlimited Health
  • Unlimited Shield
  • Super Armor
  • No Reload
  • Unlimited Ammo
  • Super Damage
  • Jam Enemies Weapons
  • No Recoil
  • No Spread
  • Increased Legendary Quality Drops
  • Super Player Speed
  • Rapid Fire
  • Instant Reload
  • Full-Auto Weapons
  • Max Resources
  • Reset Resources
  • Increased Epic Quality Drops
  • Super Weapon Range
  • Fast Skill Cooldown
  • Increase Game Speed
  • Decrease Game Speed
  • Reset Game Speed
  • Game Speed Multiplier
  • Shard Gain/Loss Multiplier
  • Edit: Apocalypse EXP
  • Edit: World EXP
  • Edit: Player Level
  • Edit: Player XP
  • Edit: Health
  • Edit: Max Health
  • Edit: Shield
  • Edit: Armor
  • Edit: Crit Chance
  • Edit: Paragon Experience
  • Edit: Ascension Points
  • Edit: Total Ascension Points
  • Edit: Skill Points
  • Edit: Total Skill Points
  • Edit: Pax Points
  • Edit: Total Pax Points
  • Edit: Ability Power
  • Player Speed Multiplier


  • For best results use “Activate Trainer” only when you are playing a character.
  • If the trainer is not working then please open your Task Manager and under “Background processes” use “End Task” on the 4.25.1 process there and NOT under “Apps”.


Included in Cheat Evolution app


Outriders WORLDSLAYER PLUS 44 Trainer


How to use this OUTRIDERS Cheat Engine Table in Cheat Evolution app?

Cheat Evolution has trainers for Steam/Microsoft Store Gamepass and Epic Launcher games which operate similar to cheat engine tables.

Cheat Evolution app will show you a list of all games we have trainers for. Simply select OUTRIDERS from the list and use your favorite cheats.

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