
Drug Dealer Simulator Trainer

+47 cheats for game version: Steam build-10071427 Last Updated: 21.12.2022

Drug Dealer Simulator


  • Activate Trainer
  • Unlimited Stamina
  • Super Movement Speed
  • Super Jump
  • Movement Speed Multiplier
  • Jump Height Multiplier
  • Edit: Pockets
  • Edit: Level
  • Edit: EXP
  • Edit: Current Risk Factor
  • Edit: Minimum Risk Factor
  • Edit: Maximum Risk Factor
  • Edit: Current Exposure Factor
  • Edit: Minimum Exposure Factor
  • Edit: Maximum Exposure Factor
  • Edit: Skillpoints
  • Edit: Skill Level (Lockpick)
  • Edit: Skill Level (Pockets)
  • Edit: Skill Level (Stamina)
  • Edit: Skill Level (Runner)
  • Edit: Skill Level (Stealth)
  • Edit: Skill Level (Illusionist)
  • Edit: Skill Level (Salesman)
  • Edit: Skill Level (Quick Learner)
  • Edit: Max Pocket Size
  • Edit: Max Pocket Weight
  • Edit: Max Backpack Size
  • Edit: Max Backpack Weight
  • Edit: Order Limit (Cash)
  • Edit: Crypto Currency
  • Edit: Bank Money
  • Edit: West Old Town Rep
  • Edit: East Old Town Rep
  • Edit: Two Towers Rep
  • Edit: Old Marketplace Rep
  • Edit: Stink Rep
  • Edit: Supermarket Area Rep
  • Edit: Kennel Rep
  • Edit: Downtown Rep
  • Edit: West Deadtown Rep
  • Edit: Mid Deadtown Rep
  • Edit: East Deadtown Rep
  • Edit: Bad Asia Rep
  • Edit: Eastern Slums Rep
  • Save Coordinates
  • Teleport to Saved Coordinates
  • No Fall Damage


  • Activate Trainer must be used before any options will work. Some options may require you to access your computer or inventory to populate the values.



  • 30.10.2022 – Trainer updated to support build-7986223 & added 2 cheats.
  • 21.12.2022 – Trainer updated to support build-10071427 & added 1 cheat.

Included in Cheat Evolution app


Drug Dealer Simulator build-10071427 PLUS 47 Trainer


How to use this Drug Dealer Simulator Cheat Engine Table in Cheat Evolution app?

Cheat Evolution has trainers for Steam/Microsoft Store Gamepass and Epic Launcher games which operate similar to cheat engine tables.

Cheat Evolution app will show you a list of all games we have trainers for. Simply select Drug Dealer Simulator from the list and use your favorite cheats.

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